Full Project name: Business Experience Workshop 2nd edition: Participating in the present for a more sustainable future

Active from/to: October 2024 – March 2025 (September 2025)

Research Team: Prof. Marcella Mariotti (Principal Investigator), M.A. Gaia Varone (Project Coordinator), Prof. Fabio Marra (Project Jr. Coordinator), Ms. Matilde Giugni (Project Assistant), Mr. Giuseppe Garassino (IT Developer), Prof. Hirofumi Utsumi (Project Advisor)

Participants: 21 Ca’ Foscari students and 15 students from 8 Universities in Japan (Waseda University, Keio University, Yokohama City University, Doshisha University, Seishin Joshi Daigaku – University of the Sacred Heart, Sophia University, Toyo University, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University), for a total of 36 students.

What is this project about?

The main goal of this project is to bring together students with different backgrounds and encourage them to think together in Japanese so to develop, as a group, comprehensive proposals to address environmental, economical and social sustainability issues, while also thinking about how to concretize them in a possible future start-up.
In this second edition, the students, once divided into groups, were asked to take into consideration the following three macrothemes as starting points on which to build their ideas:
– Cortina and Veneto region studies about tourism de-centralization in connection with the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics. This topic can be expanded to Japan as well, using Osaka Expo 2025 as an important discussion starter;
– Marketing and living changes for aging society (mutual help students-aged persons, or amplification of market segment 70-90, …);
– Communication between Italy and Japan SME (incoming-outgoing): identifying issues and solutions;

The workshop is organized around 5 in-person meetings (circa one per month from October 2024 to March 2025) during which executives from Mitsubishi Corporation (financial sponsor of the project), alongsides the BEW research team, actively take part in the activities and enriches the students’ experience by supplying technical and professional insights, while also helping them to learn how to bring forward and comminicate their ideas.

After the last workshop meeting with the students in March 2025, the BEW research team will continue working on analyzing and organizing the results, and use them to optimize the Cafoscari Jisho database. The technical optimization for the Cafoscari Jisho APP is carried out by Mr. Giuseppe Garassino.

Most recent posts from Business Experience Workshop 2 2024/2025