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A month after the end

A month has already passed since the end… Continue Reading →





私の体験 – My experience

I want to write this last personal post in English so that everyone will be able to understand it more easily. Now that the Virtual Exchange Project has ended, I feel like I should express all of my personal thoughts, opinions and feelings that I’ve experienced during this time.

My Virtual Ryugaku Experience

Hello everyone! I’m Federica from group 18 “Longlife Learning” and I would like to share with you my feelings and thoughts about this project. When I first signed up for this Virtual Ryugaku I honestly wasn’t quite sure what to expect in the first place; I knew that it mainly targeted students who didn’t have the opportunity to study abroad due to the coronavirus pandemic but it wasn’t clear to me exactly how it was going to be.

Thoughts on the Virtual Exchange Project

Hello everyone. I am Letizia from group #7, ‘Measures Against Hunger’. In sight of the nearly end of the project, I would like to share my thoughts on this experience with all of you.
I will first talk of my expectations before the project, then make some considerations on the experience, lastly I will state the things I enjoyed the most and make some suggestions for the future.

グループ1 李静のまとめ

皆さん、こんにちは、グループ1のリセイ李静(リセイ)です。二ヶ月間、皆と一緒にコロナについて話しあって、大変勉強しました。コロナとたくさんの分野と繋がりがあり、例えば、コロナと環境、コロナとpop culture などのテーマがあります。グループ皆と一緒に相談して、分析して、新しい発見もが出てきました。コロナについてもっと全面的な認識ができます。

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