Tag Nolbrick

My personal experience

Hello I’m Elena from group 17 “Traditional Events” and I would like to share some of my thoughts on this project! Since our topic is something I already had interest in I was very happy when I was assigned to this group. Discussing traditional events and Japanese culture was fun to begin with, but thanks to the other members of the group this project became even more fun.







Empowerment and our goals

This week, I will dive back on some issues I left behind. Plus, I will delve into some aspects that need to be addressed at this point in the project. Finally, I will discuss the creation of the mid-term survey and its meaning.


皆さん、お元気ですか。エレナと申します。今週、グループ17のテーマは 「春の行事」について話したいと思います。グループメンバーと話している間に、日本とイタリアの春のイベントには多くの違いがあることに気がつきました。それは、イタリアには春の行事があまりないことです。ですが、日本にはいろいろな春祭りがあります。イタリアで最も人気がある春のイベントの中で、「復活祭」や「解放記念 日 (4 月 25 日 ) 」や「労働者の日 ( 5月1日 ) 」などの祝日があります。



Sure it feels good to sit down and think!

This is my first post on my observation on the project “Virtual Study Abroad Exchange”. For each week I will write a relatively short entry about what happened during the week, the pedagogical implications and how the vision is taking shape through time.
This week I will focus on the democratic conversations that are happening inside each channel and group. Also, I will give my take on the vision of this project, explaining what it means to me and (although not directly) why I choose to join it as a Junior Coordinator.

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