Tag FInal thoughts

Looking back

Hello, everyone!
This is Francesca, and in this project I was the 責任者 of the group 15. Our group’s topic was ‘gender’, and first of all I want to thank you all for the great feedback we have received during the past few weeks. There were many people who joined our group during 自由会話 and who shared a comment below our posts, and I really appreciate it!

My Virtual Ryugaku Experience

Hello everyone! I’m Federica from group 18 “Longlife Learning” and I would like to share with you my feelings and thoughts about this project. When I first signed up for this Virtual Ryugaku I honestly wasn’t quite sure what to expect in the first place; I knew that it mainly targeted students who didn’t have the opportunity to study abroad due to the coronavirus pandemic but it wasn’t clear to me exactly how it was going to be.

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