Japan Foundation Virtual Business
Active from/to: December 2021 – March 2021
Research team: Prof. Marcella Mariotti (Principal Investigator), Japanese language specialist M.A. Shoko Nishida (Coordinator), Dr. Alessandro Mantelli (System Developer)
Participants: 10 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice students, divided in different teams dedicated to different outcomes of the project
What is this project about?
Virtual Business was born as a parallel project to the first edition of Virtual Ryuugaku and was then brought back with the second edition of the project. The main aim of Virtual Business was that of creating instruments and material that could increase the employability of Japanese companies and help the students in the job-hunting process. The first edition of the Virtual Business project resulted in the creation of an email composer, instructions on how to build a CV that will be later implemented into a CV builder program developed in the second edition of the project, and eight videos on how to properly use keigo (Japanese honorific speech) in working environments.
In the second edition of Virtual Business, students were involved in searching for nline references for the automatic creation of a Japanese Curriculum Vitae, and organizing the structure of the Builder itself, from a students point of view. CV Builder has been checked both by students and by native speaker teachers and is now available to everyone in the world at JaLea Business. The outcomes of this project were all implemented in the Japanese language online platform JaLea Business, satellite site of JaLea.
Both editions were very successful and not only did the involved students achieve a good knowledge of working situations in and with Japan, but the project outcome will be useful for future students from all Italy, and workers too.
Most recent posts from Japan Foundation Virtual Business

Virtual Business Project の終わり!まとめ❣️
Virtual Business Project が終わりました!このポストでは、各チーム(メール課、ビデオ課、履歴書課)の完成したものを紹介します!
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