JaLea Business
Project Full name: JaLea Business: e-Learning System for Business Japanese
Active from/to: 2018 – ongoing
Research Team: Prof. Marcella Mariotti (Principal Investigator), Dr. Alessandro Mantelli (System Developer), Dr. Giuseppe Garassino (Research Grant Holder, Project content editor)
What is this project about?
JaLea Business is an online platform funded by the Mitsubishi Corporation as a tool to foster the study and learning of Business Japanese.
It consists of 6 sections (Relational language, Job-hunting, Answering the phone, Fair, Business negotiation, E-mail).
Thanks to additional funding from the Japan Foundation, the research led to the development of both an automatic e-mail composing tool and an automatic composer for resumes in Japanese. The system is currently being used in Japanese business negotiation courses at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and while it is currently only available to Ca’ Foscari users, it will also be accessible to external users from 2023.