This week, I will dive back on some issues I left behind. Plus, I will delve into some aspects that need to be addressed at this point in the project. Finally, I will discuss the creation of the mid-term survey and its meaning.
Dear readers, I am pleased to welco… Continue Reading →
A look into the data of the first two weeks of the Virtual Exchange project. In this entry, I will discuss my hopes and my interpretation of the trends that are occuring right now.
Why “collaborative Creativity” in Covid-19 era? How does it cope with e-Learning of Japanese Language?
This is my first post on my observation on the project “Virtual Study Abroad Exchange”. For each week I will write a relatively short entry about what happened during the week, the pedagogical implications and how the vision is taking shape through time.
This week I will focus on the democratic conversations that are happening inside each channel and group. Also, I will give my take on the vision of this project, explaining what it means to me and (although not directly) why I choose to join it as a Junior Coordinator.
In January 2020, I, as a part of NoLBric… Continue Reading →
皆さん、おはようございます。これからはこのブログでの私の投稿を日本語で書いてみて… Continue Reading →
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