Category NoLBrick Blog




KUASU Paper: the impact of online tools and JSL in creating equal learning opportunities for Deaf students

In September 2020 I participated to the … Continue Reading →

Top 5 reasons for learning Japanese Sign Language

Deboxing is about critical thinking and … Continue Reading →

NoLBrick in action: the NoLBrick Research Seminar 2020-2021

In February 2020, just as the 2020 COVID… Continue Reading →

NoLBrick in action: the role of reflection-action in the work of Japanese Language facilitators

In A.Y. 2020/2021, first semester, I onc… Continue Reading →

NoLBrick core elements: writing on Higher Order Thinking Skills, Self and Japanese Language Education

Participating in the A.Y. 2018/2019 thir… Continue Reading →

NoLBrick first steps: acting as facilitator in A.Y. 2018/2019 third-year Japanese Language course

In 2019, the NoLBrick project finally to… Continue Reading →

The 2018 International Conference on Japanese Language Education: foreseeing the core of NoLBrick

In August 2018, I had the honor and the … Continue Reading →

Looking back to say goodbye

Dear readers, as you already know, I too… Continue Reading →

A letter to the participants of the Virtual Exchange project

A month has passed and so I have decided to write a letter to all the people who worked and participated alongside me in this first edition of the Virtual Exchange project. 本当にお疲れさまでした。

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