Category JF Virtual Ryuugaku

Looking back on my experience

Hello everyone! I’m Adelina from group 13 難民問題. Now that the Virtual Exchange project has come to an end I’d like to look back and share my thoughts and feelings about this experience.

First of all, why did I decide to join this project? The main reason was because I really needed to practice and improve my abilities in speaking in Japanese. I’ve always been shy and afraid of making mistakes so more often than not I find myself being very afraid of talking in Japanese. I thought that joining this project would help me learn more about the language and be more comfortable in my conversations.

Final thoughts about Virtual Study Abroad Exchange Project

Hello! I am Eleonora Caleffi and I am the leader of group 2「働き方」. As the project “Vitual Study Abroad Exchange” has come to an end, it is time to express my final thoughts on it.


Hello everyone! I am Letizia Bianchi from group 2, 働き方, and today I would like to draw conclusions about my experience during Virtual Study Abroad Exchange.


皆さん、こんにちは! ジェンダーについて話したグループ15の責任者のキアラです。この投稿では、このヴァーチャル留学について、私の個人的な感想を共有したいと思っています。



こんにちは。日本から参加しているはるみと申します。 2か月のヴァーチャル留学がも… Continue Reading →

Thoughts about the project

Hello everyone! I am Caterina from 飢餓対策 … Continue Reading →







Grazie mille!

こんにちは!8,観光グループの木原彩夏(ayaka KIHARA)です! 私は本… Continue Reading →

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