Category CH20 環境保護 Environmental Protection

What is around us? How do we live within it? Is there any need for our action?



My Virtual 留学 experience

Hello! Allow to introduce myself once again. My name is Linda from group 20 “Environment protection”. These two months have been crazy hectic and full of surprises one after another. I am deeply conscious that I had a great chance to live a brand new experience not alone, but with new companions from within my University, as also from outside.

Considerations about a challenging experience

After the cancellation of my exchange program I felt like I had lost an important occasion, not only academically speaking, but also regarding my language proficiency: I regard my self as a person who needs constant indirect exercise – such as applying the notions learnt in my everyday life and the impossibility to not spend a semester in Japan seemed to me like a condemn to the perennial impossibility to not achieve the hungered articulateness in Japanese that I had continuously noticed in my senpai and other people who had the chance of spending at least three months in Japan.

チーム 20「環境保護」・我らの集合的な経験

皆さん、こんにちは。プロジェクトが終わって、 そろそろ振り返りの時間になりましたね。というわかで、グループ20「環境保護」のメンバーの全員でこの前の二か月間の活動を顧みて話し合いました

my feedback

First of all, I wished to say how much I’m enjoying this project: I think that it’s the best way to improve our japanese! During the first meeting I was very shy but then I lost my shyness and now I’m feeling much more at ease




皆さん、福岡正信(ふくおか まさのぶ)という人をご存知でしょうか?一見、彼の写真を見ると普通の、変哲もない高齢の方にしか見えないはずです。しかし、このかわいいおじいちゃんは、実のところ、今世界中で頻繁に論議されて広まりつつある「有機農業」の一人の元祖で、老年まで自分で生み出した斬新な農法、「自然農法」を実践して提唱してきた人物です。







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