Author Diletta GIRALDI

About my experience

Hello everyone! This is Diletta from group 7 (飢餓対策). The first time I heard about this project was in January, when I received an email with the proposal of a substitute internship activity. At first, I was not sure if I was going to participate in this project because I’m not very good with Japanese language and I was afraid I would not understand anything. Then, I took courage and decided to join. I look at the topic of my group:「飢餓対策」(measures against hunger). My first thought was “What have I done, I can’t talk about hunger even in Italian”. At first it was not easy, I had to work hard to learn the Japanese words related to my group’s topic, figure out how to use Slack… But it all worked out for the best.


世界の飢餓と戦う方法はたくさんあります。今週私のグループは私たちの毎日をすることについてもっと相談しました:それは料理です。 「こんなに少ない食材で何を作れるの?」と思って、半分空の冷蔵庫を何回見ますか。それとも、奇妙で特別なように見えるという理由だけで、食材を何回購入しますが、それを調理する方法がわからないので、結局それを捨ててしまいますか。または、必要以上に多くの食料を購入し、その一部を捨ててしまう頻度はどれくらいですか。そのため、私たちは食品ロスに対するレシピを皆さんに紹介することにしました!

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