No-Level Brick Language Education for All.

No-Level Brick Language Education for All is a research framework developed by Prof. Marcella M. MARIOTTI in the field of Japanese language education. NoLBrick works towards the implementation of transformative language educational practices, the de-standardization of language teaching, and the relevance of glocal e-Learning Ai systems, ultimately aiming at the development of active citizenship and social cohesion.

NoLBrick concept of a transformative critical language education beyond levels supported by Information Technology and aiming at an inclusive and socially responsible active teaching & learning,  is the perspective of the first Japanese Language Education course in Italy, opened in 2020.

In brief: 

Our goal: development of active citizenship and social cohesion, and empowerment for all;

Our tools: transformative language pedagogy, e-Learning:

1. JaLea & JaLea Business for Japanese language learning and Business Japanese language acquisition (thanks to the continued support of Mitsubishi Corporation);

2. a4Edu as online Italian – Japanese Japanese – Italian dictionary (a dedicated application, “Cafoscari Jisho”, is under development) 

The projects: you can find out more about our projects on this website:

a. Japan Foundation Virtual Ryuugaku Project (VR1 and VR2);

b. Japan Foundation Virtual Business Project;

c. Japan Foundation Collaborative Creativity Project.

This website presents the formation of the NoLBrick concept through the years, since its first embryonal idea, the first level free Japanese Grammar Italian Dictionary BunpoHyDict (2008), up to the latest projects in action research funded by Japan Foundation (Virtual Exchange 2021)  and Mitsubishi Corporation (Japanese-Italian dictionary CAFOSCARI Jisho APP 2022).

Moreover, this website works a blog, containing a collection of articles of all students and academic research team giving their perspective on the projects, as a place of coming together to reflect and elaborate on our experiences to decide what the next step will be.

About prof. Marcella MARIOTTI

Marcella MARIOTTI is an experienced scholar in Japanese Language Education (JLE), former Chairperson of the Japanese Language Teachers Association in Europe (AJE), awarded in 2019 by the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs for connecting academia and employment through placement tutoring at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She graduated in Japanese Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (1996) and proceeded to specialize in Media Studies at Osaka University (MA and PhD Credits Completion, 1996-2001) and in Japanese language grammar teaching at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (PhD, 2007). Later on, she conducted post-doctoral research in Japan on hypermedia applied to Japanese language learning (ICU and Waseda University, 2008-10), going back to Ca’ Foscari University in 2010 as Assistant Professor. There, she is Associate Professor in Japanese Language and Literature (L-OR/22) since 2019.