Active from/to: 2016 – 2021
Research Team: Prof. Marcella Mariotti (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Alessandro Mantelli
Contributors: more than 200 Ca’ Foscari University trainee-students
What is this project about?
a4Edu consists in a Japanese-Italian digital dictionary based on the JMDict library of the EDRDG research group, and it has become the natural evolution of the first online dictionary ITADICT (Prof. Marcella Mariotti, Dr. Alessandro Mantelli 2011-2016), which was enriched with tools for teaching the writing of kanji characters and the syllabic alphabets hiragana and katakana.
a4Edu has been a key project for students to carry out the mandatory substitute internship activities during the years of the Covid pandemic, thanks to the Japan Foundation fundings as part of the project Collaborative Creativity for Japanese Language Education: a Multidimensional Online Project in Response to COVID-19. Moreover, it has been implemented as pop-up dictionary for the e-learning system JaLea and JaLea Business.
As of March 2021 about 82000 terms have been translated by volunteering students and collaborators.
You can access a4Edu by clicking on the link below!