
BEW2の Synergy Buildersグループです。グループの目標は、日本とイタリアの中小企業間のコミュニケーションの問題を分析し、解決することです。特に持続可能性の側面に注目しています。今月も、旅とその進捗状況をご紹介します。


Synergy Buildersの最新の開発について知りたいですか?読み続けて、私たちの旅に浸ってください!




  • 古賀社長からの「持続性の意図」についての指摘は、使用する用語や概念の正確な定義がどれほど重要かを再認識させられた。「持続性」という言葉を「良好な関係の継続」という意味で用いたつもりであったが、文脈や対象によって異なる解釈を生む可能性がある。そのため、今後のプレゼンテーションでは、使用する専門用語やキーワードの定義を冒頭で明確に示し、それが仮説や分析にどのように関連するかを説明することでより一貫性のある論理展開を目指したい。
  • 古賀社長からいただいた「事業の区別」についての指摘も非常に有意義であった。これまで「日本とイタリアの国際的な事業」を包括的に捉えていましたが、「現地進出」と「輸入貿易」という2つの異なる側面を明確に区別する必要性を理解した。この指摘を受けて、データの分析や仮説の立て方を精査し、両者がどのように異なる課題や成功要因を持つのかを明らかにしたい。また、この区別が最終提案の具体性と説得力を高めることにつながると考えている。
  • 古賀社長のスタートアップの事業計画に関する講義からは、プレゼン資料作成の方法論について多くを学んだ。特に、情報をどの程度詳細に突き詰めるべきか、そしてそれをどのように簡潔かつ効果的に伝えるかが重要であると感じた。最終プレゼンテーションでは、論点を絞り込み、視覚的に伝わりやすい資料作成を心がけたい。





スザンナ・ジョルダーニ (グループリーダー)、別所真衣、ヴァレリア ガンバリーニ、松尾佳歩、


Hello everyone!

We are the Synergy Builders group, participants in the Business Experience Workshop second edition: Participating in the Present for a More Sustainable Future 2024/25. Our goal is to analyze and address communication problems between small and medium-sized Japanese and Italian companies, with particular attention to the aspect of sustainability. This month we are here again to share with you our journey and the progress made.

In this article we will tell you about the most recent developments and the activities that involved us, with a particular focus on the third meeting of the workshop, where each group presented their projects. But it doesn’t end here: we will also talk about our improvement as a team, and we will update you on the next stages of our work.

Curious to discover our latest developments? Continue reading and immerse yourself in our journey!

The Strength of Collaboration in Crafting a Presentation
Preparing the presentation was one of the most challenging yet rewarding parts of our work of this month. Every team member actively contributed to the design and content of the slides and took part in correcting errors by double-checking to ensure the best quality. We also added furigana to the more complex kanji on the slides to make them easier to read for the Italian participants.
Receiving feedback from the coordinators was quite challenging. Although the required changes weren’t drastic, the limited time made it difficult to find the best solutions to improve the presentation while keeping it clear and understandable. During the preparation of the script, the support from our Japanese colleagues was essential: they helped refine and improve some expressions, making our Japanese sound smoother and more natural.
Overall, the teamwork was incredibly productive. Everyone participated with enthusiasm, collaborating in harmony. On the day of the presentation, we all felt excited: despite a little nervousness, the chance to express our ideas and showcase our efforts outweighed any fear. It was an intense experience, but one that made us truly proud of our work.

How we use feedback to elevate our work

We received questions regarding our presentation from both Mr. Koga and Ms. Iwama. Ms. Iwama asked how we plan to distribute the survey, to which we responded that we intend to distribute it through the Italy-Japan Chamber of Commerce and directly email the target companies.

  • Mr. Koga’s feedback on the “intention behind the term sustainability” highlighted the importance of clearly defining the terms and concepts we use. While we intended “sustainability” to mean “maintaining a good relationship,” we recognized that the term could be interpreted differently depending on the context and audience. Moving forward, we aim to clarify the definitions of specialized terms and keywords at the beginning of our presentations and explain how they relate to our hypotheses and analyses to ensure a more consistent and coherent narrative.
  • Mr. Koga’s remarks on the distinction between different types of business operations were extremely valuable. Until now, we had grouped “international business between Japan and Italy” into a single category. However, his feedback made it clear that we need to differentiate between “local market entry” and “import/export trade.” This insight will prompt us to refine our data analysis and hypotheses, focusing on how the challenges and success factors differ between these two areas. We believe that making this distinction will enhance the specificity and persuasiveness of our final proposal.
  • Mr. Koga’s lecture on startup business planning provided us with significant insights into how to structure presentation materials. Using Uber as an example, he explained the elements of a compelling pitch. From this, we learned the importance of determining the level of detail needed and presenting information in a concise and impactful manner. For the final presentation, we plan to focus on key points and create materials that are visually engaging and easy to understand.

Group development 

Our group improved in so many areas: for example, we all started developing our skills in both Japanese and English – in writing, listening and talking – getting better at understanding one another. We got used to each other’s rhythms and schedules, managing to organize our online meetings. As we worked together, we learned to express ourselves better and we became more confident in our abilities. Going onwards, we expect to strengthen our synergy even more and to accomplish our goal. 

Workshop at the turnaround point: a journey in search of solutions

We will use the feedback from the 3rd workshop to develop ideas that fundamentally address the specific problems in cross-cultural communication identified through our questionnaire. Currently, we are studying methods for analyzing questionnaires and reviewing start-up case studies related to “communication” and “culture” to ensure that our proposed solutions are unique, impactful, and sustainable. As we now reach the halfway point of the business experience workshop, our team will work collaboratively to accelerate preparations for the final presentation.

Giordani Susanna (Group leader), Matsuo Kaho, Bessho Mai, Gambarini Valeria, Nicoletto Matilde