
私たち「INTER6ENERATIONAL Bridge」は、日本とイタリアが直面する少子高齢化問題に取り組み、持続可能な社会の実現を目指しています。このプロジェクトは、ヴェネチア・カフォスカリ大学と協力し、三菱商事の支援を受けて進めている。












Hi, everyone!

We have a huge update to give you! 

We, INTER6ENERATIONAL Bridge, are looking for measures to tackle the problem of low birthrate and aging population in Japan and Italy and to achieve a sustainable society. This project is organised by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation. 

The other day, we did our first presentation about our project… and it went great! We received useful feedback both from Ms. Iwama and President Koga, and we learned a lot!

In his presentation, President Koga talked about the various stages of the formation of a startup. One of them was the “seed stage”, whereby first seeds of the future project are planted. This is the stage we are at now, hence why the title of this post.

Feedback from Mitsubishi Corporation 

Both Ms. Iwama and President Koga appreciated how we efficiently managed to collect data which helped us to make a clear presentation and successfully identify key issues. Being acknowledged for the results of our extensive research has been a great source of encouragement for all of us. 

Ms. Iwama provided advice on how to specifically utilize university students in our project as part of the workforce. More specifically, she emphasized the importance of focusing on how to concretely shift resources toward the caregiving industry as part of efforts to create employment opportunities. 

Additionally, President Koga pointed out that while caregiving issues are closely tied to governmental policies, there is also a potentiality for business development. He stressed the importance of clarifying whether our goal is to pursue business opportunities or to collaborate with administrative bodies. Furthermore, since the nursing care industry requires a business model that includes both immigrants and international students, it is essential for other businesses besides the government to participate, as the latter cannot address these issues alone.

Future steps
The feedback we received has provided us with many valuable perspectives. Moving forward, we aim to clarify the direction of our project as a business and further define its content.

Throughout January, we will focus on achieving concrete results. After managing and analyzing the outcomes of three surveys, we plan to introduce our project to various facilities, including nursing homes in Venice, the Venice municipality, and local universities.

   Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!