Hello, this is eCODOLO Group! We’re here with the third blog post and some new updates! In the previous post, we mentioned our goal to identify parking spaces in Cortina, and we are happy to say that we have achieved that! In the meantime, we have continued our research and created a presentation for the project, which we presented at a workshop. At the workshop, we received valuable feedback from Mitsubishi Corporation and other groups. In this blog post, we will introduce the solutions we have developed in response to that feedback.
What does sustainability mean to us?
In this specific case, since Cortina is surrounded by nature, we find it very important to protect the city. The first problem we considered is that the number of tourists exceeds the number of citizens. In this situation, the life of the inhabitants becomes very difficult, so our goal is to help them. Another major problem we have to deal with is the excess of cars and traffic jams in Cortina. Three years ago, I went to Cortina with my parents for a day, and we had great difficulty finding parking. There were so many cars that it took us twice as long to get there as it would normally take. For this reason, I care a lot about this situation. It is very difficult to drive without losing patience, not only in Cortina but all over Italy. That’s why we decided to go ahead with this project, because it can help a lot of people.
A case study: Minowa City
We searched for a similar case to our idea. An example is the city of Minowa, situated in the Nagano prefecture in Japan. It is famous for the falling leaves during the autumn season and nowadays there are unexpected numbers of visitors. It contributes to the rising income of the tourist industry but, on the other hand, it causes traffic jams and some problems related to overcrowding. As a countermeasure, the city government searches for the attributes and spends time in the parking lot by scanning the license plate. From this information, it created the fully booking system of parking lots in a more effective way. Consequently, it gave a positive impact on decreasing the number of wandering cars for the parking lot by capacity control.
ケーススタディ: 箕輪市
What about the target …?
We should make it more clear who is the target in our business project and business presentation.Regarding the business project, we have to emphasize that we would like to focus on protecting the people who live in coltina from over tourism by making parking apps.Regarding the business presentation, the last presentation completely lacks the concept of who we will present to. For example, we would like to present some investors to get money, and besides what kinds of investors, or present to the government to get some support. To make it more specific, we have to clarify more who we are at first, such as whether the company or government.
… And the funds?
Funding is essential for any business plan to be realised. It would be impossible to realise the project without someone funding it. So we need to think about who will be interested in our project and why. First of all, it would help the municipality if there was a system that could regulate the flow of tourists and the amount of vehicles passing through the area. Not only can they monitor the number of tourists visiting the area, but they can also identify which areas are the busiest and organise them accordingly. In addition to this, our project could help the Olympic Committee to deal with the overcrowding problem, as during the Olympic Games nearly six times more people are expected than during the normal winter season. Finally, we could also enlist the help of volunteers and people interested in this issue.
Towards the next step
As our next step, we plan to contact the two brothers mentioned in the previous post (here: (BEW2 Group 1: A (PARKING) SPOT IN CORTINA – コルチナで駐車場 – NoLBrick Blog, 2024) that aim to promote Cortina’s image both within Italy and internationally. We also intend to reach out to representatives from the Olympic Committee to explore whether we can offer any free services for ticket holders. For example, one idea would be to provide free parking to those who hold Olympic tickets. In our next blog post, we’ll share updates on these developments in detail. Stay tuned!
次のステップとして、イタリア国内だけでなく、国際的にもコルチナのイメージを広めることを目的としている、前回のポストで紹介した (BEW2 Group 1: A (PARKING) SPOT IN CORTINA – コルチナで駐車場 – NoLBrick Blog, 2024) 2人の兄弟に連絡を取る予定だ。また、オリンピック委員会の担当者とも連絡を取り、オリンピックのチケットを持っている方のために何か無料のサービスが提供できるかどうかを確認します。たとえば、オリンピックのチケットを持っている方には駐車場を無料にするというアイデアがあります。次回のブログポストでは、これらの進展について詳しくお伝えします。次回もぜひお楽しみに!