Here eCODOLO group speaking! We are back with our second post about sustainability in Cortina for the Business Experience Workshop: participating in the present for a more sustainable future. 
Are you as excited as us for the Cortina Olympics? Our goal is to make this event as enjoyable as possible while respecting the environment and maintaining a focus on sustainability.

What’s our idea of “sustainable Cortina”?
At first we wanted to promote the cities near Cortina by showing their heritage, to show people that it’s not necessary to enjoy Cortina and the Dolomites region without spending lots of money, so we started researching tourist spots around Cortina. It sounded like a great idea and everyone was satisfied about working on it. We felt we were on the right track to develop an interesting project. But trouble is always just around the corner. 
During a group meeting, we found out that another group was developing an idea almost identical to ours. And even though we received positive feedback from the project coordinator to carry on with the same theme, we felt like it wouldn’t have been original enough. That’s why we decided to change our focus to sports and sustainability. It was a valid topic and we had lots of data to work with but we were missing one fundamental thing: INTEREST

While it’s not always necessary, it seemed very draining to work on a topic in which we had little interest. At first, we decided to tackle the issue of hotels and receptive structures which are unable to cope with the increasing number of tourists every year. But it was a task bigger than us and we had no concrete plans for the future. Following the advice of our supervisors, we decided to stop, take a big breath and start the research again. 
That’s when Sofia found out about a website which we thought could help us develop an idea that we found more interesting and appealing.
(CiaoCortina: La Tua Guida Turistica per Cortina D’Ampezzo, n.d.)
These brothers are actively doing their best to promote sustainability in and around Cortina. And are willing to collaborate with everyone who wants to help them achieve their goal.

So we thought…
One of the main issues in Cortina is finding a suitable parking spot in a short time.
So why don’t we create a way to help people find it easily?
And why not make sure that your parking spot is yours?
That’s why we are thinking about creating a way to book one’s parking spot in order to have a better experience and enjoy the Cortina Olympics?

Our next steps:
We know this is just the beginning but we are already trying to make it as real as possible.
We are planning to create a list of all the private parking we could find to assert our possible working field and we will try to contact the previously mentioned people to obtain their collaboration other than the Associazioni Bellunesi nel Mondo (Parcheggi e bus gratis a Cortina: soluzioni per il traffico estivo e progresso dei cantieri olimpici. ABM. to see if our idea can become a reality with their support. 

We can’t wait to show you our progress and hope that you will stick around for our Blog Post next month.
Thank you and see you soon!



(CiaoCortina: La Tua Guida Turistica per Cortina D’Ampezzo, n.d.)


自分は、グループの可能性のある活動フィールドを評価するために、見つけることができたすべての民間駐車場のリストを作成すると思います。それに、グループのアイデアが兄弟上記した、それでも、Associazioni Bellunesi nel Mondoという協会(Parcheggi e bus gratis a Cortina: soluzioni per il traffico estivo e progresso dei cantieri olimpici. ABM.」の支援によって現実ものとなるかどうかを確認すると協力を得るために、連絡してみるつもりです。

