Full Project name: No level-brick language learning: transformative language education, de-standardization of language teaching, and the relevance of glocal e-Learning AI systems in active citizenship formationSupporting Principal Investigators SPIN-ERC Grant

Active from/to: 2019 – 2021

Principal Investigator: Prof. Marcella Mariotti

Research Fellow: Dr. Takuya Kojima

Research assistants: M.A Chiara Alessandrini, M.A Gaia Varone, M.A Leonardo Ligabue, M.A Marco Caddeo, Japanese Language Specialist M.A Shoko Nishida, Korean Language Specialist M.A Min-a Jeong, Ms. Haruna Chatani, M.A Ayana Mizayaki, M.A Giovanni Pasa, Mr. Matteo Nassini

What is this project about?

What are we teaching and learning foreign languages for?” is the focal problem all language teachers are called to think about. While foreign language and intercultural education are often addressed by the CEFR, a number of criticisms have been made about its dangerous discourse of levels and descriptors , their overwhelming importance and the resulting standardization in research, teaching, public policies (in education, migration, etc.) in Europe and beyond.

The “Japan Foundation Standard” or J-GAP (Japanese Global Articulation Project), can be addressed as adaptations of the CEFR to the Japanese Language teaching and Learning too. When we consider language acts as a means of expressing (and fulfilling) one’s identity, focusing, in so doing, on the learners’ micro-level, it will become clear that checking grammar errors cannot be considered the aims of teachers anymore. IT development allows language teachers to finally have the opportunity and duty to be citizens with social responsibility, educators who can ‘make a difference’, facilitating discussions and dialogues toward a critical awareness of own/others values & historical social position that bring to active citizenship.

Such language pedagogy/education can only be seen as an authentic and constant process, in and outside the classroom, based on “level-free” learners’ own biographies and worldviews, carrying out a concrete de-standardization of language teaching, the professionalization of teachers, and critical education.

The main research object is to proposing and demonstrating the feasibility of a level-free, social responsible language learning and teaching in and outside the classroom, that may help our world to overcome discontent and misunderstandings that too often lead to war and individuals conflicts.