Hello everyone! First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who have been reading our blog posts and keeping up with our work! We are the ReStarters group of the 2nd edition of Business Experience Workshop: Participating in the Present for a More Sustainable Future 2024/25 in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation. The objective of our group’s project is to address issues related to an ageing society by focusing on the needs of the elderly. More specifically, our project is aimed at assisting elder adults seeking to re-enter the workforce. This is to be achieved through two complementary approaches: first, we plan on organizing courses with the aim of equipping them with the necessary skills and second, we want to create a workplace that fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation for the elderly. In this blog post we will present the data collected via the survey conducted last month and the manner in which the results will be used in the further development of the project.


【今月の活動内容 Monthly Activities】 

Examining the needs and challenges of older workers: survey results

As previously stated, over the past month we conducted a survey in order to gain more information about the experiences of elder workers in Italy and Japan. In this blog post we would like to present the information we gathered and how it will be used to further develop our project.



  • Purpose of the present survey

At the beginning of this workshop we did a considerable amount of research on the various circumstances confronting elder workers in Italy and Japan and we discovered that the percentage of individuals aged 65 years and over who were still in employment was considerably higher in Japan than in Italy. Both countries have a very high number of elders and, consequently, they face similar problems in terms of their care. This discrepancy was a matter of particular interest for the development of our project and we decided to create a survey to further investigate the matter. The survey included questions on the nature of the reaspondents’ job, their willingness to return to work after retirement, their interest in taking part in digital literacy and language courses, their experiences of ageism and questions about the workplace.



  • Survey’s participants

This survey was directed towards older adults who are approaching retirement age or who have already retired. Most of the respondents were in their early 50s to early 60s. The survey participants numbered 55 individuals in total: the sample was demographically balanced with approximately one half of the participants being Japanese and the other half being Italian. Additionally, the sample was about 50% female and 50% male.



  • Survey findings

The initial segment of the survey includes inquiries concerning the respondents’ prospective retirement intentions and their propensity to resume professional activities post-retirement. In response to the question regarding the age at which participants intend to retire, the majority indicated their intention to do so in their 60s or 70s. The survey then inquired about the participants’ openness to returning to work after their retirement age: we were pleasantly surprised with a positive response rate of more than 50%, indicating a potential for a significant number of participants to consider re-entering the workforce after their formal retirement.  The underlying reasons for this response were then investigated: most of the people who answered negatively cited the desire to spend more time with their loved ones or  to pursue hobbies as the primary motivation. Conversely, the reasons for the positive responses were more varied, with 33% citing financial motives, 27% personal fulfilment, 23% the workplace as a social environment, and 17% a love of their job. We then moved on to investigating whether any instances of age-based discrimination had been experienced by the participants. It appears that only about 10% of the participants answered have experienced such incidents. To equip the elderly with the necessary skills to re-enter the workforce we plan on offering courses on language and digital literacy. When asked if they would be interested in joining the course, more than 60% of the participants expressed a positive response, citing a perceived deficiency in these competencies. Finally, we asked the participants to tell us more about their workplace and to express their levels of satisfaction with it.


最初の質問では、そもそもの再就職に関する関心度を調査するために、退職意向と退職後の職業活動の再開に関する質問をしました。定年退職の予定年齢に関する質問に対しては、大多数が60代または70代の意向を示しています。さらに、定年退職後の職場復帰に対する前向きな意向を尋ねたところ、50%以上の肯定的な回答が得られ、かなりの数の参加者が正式な定年退職後に再就職を検討する可能性があることが分かりました。 否定的な回答をした人の多くは、「大切な人と過ごす時間を増やしたい」「趣味に没頭したい」といった個人的なことを主な動機として挙げていました。逆に、肯定的な回答の理由は様々で、33%が経済的な動機、27%が個人的な充足感、23%が社会的環境としての職場、17%が仕事に対する熱量の高さを挙げていました。次に、参加者が年齢による差別を経験したかどうかの質問をしました。回答者のうち、そのような経験をしたことがある人は全体の10%程度であった。高齢者が再就職するために必要なスキルを身につけるため、私たちは語学とデジタル・リテラシーのコースを提供したいと考えています。そこで、コースに参加することに興味があるか尋ねたところ、参加者の60%以上が、これらの能力の不足を感じているとし、前向きな回答を示した。最後に、参加者に職場環境に満足しているのか否かについて記述式で詳しく評価してもらいました。

Turning our ideas into reality

The survey’s findings will be crucial for the development of our project, as the collected data will be fundamental in aligning our proposal with the authentic requirements of this demographic. After verifying the interest of the elderly in digital literacy and language courses, the focus will now be on testing the feasibility of the said courses. More specifically, this will entail a careful consideration of the individuals and organisations that must be involved to ensure the successful implementation of these courses. Secondly, with the knowledge gained from the survey responses regarding effective and ineffective practices in the workplace, we will begin to explore ways to enhance the workplace environment to make it more welcoming for these older adults.


この調査結果は、私たちのプロジェクトを発展させる上で非常に重要なものになったと実感しています。デジタル・リテラシーと語学コースに対する高齢者の関心を確認したため、今度はそのコースの実現可能性を検証することに焦点を当てて考えていきたいと考えています。ただ、まだ計画は曖昧な状態のため、今後は具体的にこれらのコースの実施を成功させるためのプランを慎重に検討していきたいです。また調査から、教育プログラムの実施だけではなく労働環境の改善をすることが働きやすさの向上に繋がることも分かりました。したがって、高齢者を受け入れる職場環境をより良くするための方法に関しても模索していきたいと考えています。今後もReStarters をよろしくお願いします!

 Shun YAJIMA (Group leader), Hana KOGURE, Tommaso SALVARANI, Silvia BIFFIS