Hello everyone! Nice to meet you for the first time! And for those of you who’ve already read our previous blogs, welcome back!
We are currently working as a group under the name “Enstay” from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s “Business Experience Workshop 2nd Edition: Participating in the Present for a More Sustainable Future 2024/25”, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation. This is our third blog post, where we will be discussing the third workshop held last week, our project presentation, the feedback we received, and how we are planning to implement them moving forward with our idea.
1. Looking back on our presentation
During the third workshop, we presented our project to Mitsubishi executives, the project coordinators, and all the other participants. In our presentation, we briefly outlined the basis of our project: creating an innovative and sustainable accommodation model, aimed at bridging the gap between locals and tourists, whilst addressing the various problems produced by overtourism, and promoting both meaningful cultural exchange and regional revitalization.

2. Advices from President Koga
Our presentation was highly praised for being clear and consistent in addressing the key issues. However, concerns were raised about the feasibility of our business plan. Specifically, it was pointed out that the positioning of our business model and the target audience needed to be clearly defined. In particular, we received advice to clarify the revenue streams and who profits at each stage of the process, as this would make our proposal more compelling for potential investors.
Additionally, it was suggested that we provide a more detailed explanation of why tourists would choose to use this service and highlight the strengths and unique appeal of our accommodation offerings.

3. Feedback from other groups
For our presentation this time, we received a total of 30 valuable pieces of feedback from other teams. Among them, the most common comment was that our “idea is interesting,” with support from 11 people. Following that, we received five comments stating that “the content of the presentation is clear and easy to understand.” Additionally, we received positive feedback such as “the concept is straightforward” and “the next steps are detailed and well-defined.”While approximately 80% of the feedback was positive, we also received some constructive criticism, such as “a lack of supporting data” and “too much text on the slides,” with four comments addressing these points. Regarding the lack of data, we plan to enhance our presentation by incorporating primary data from a market survey we are going to conduct, as well as collecting more secondary data to strengthen our arguments.As for the text-heavy slides, we received conflicting feedback, with some praising the clarity and others finding it overwhelming. To address this, we aim to incorporate more visuals and illustrations, drawing inspiration from President Koga’s presentation, to create materials that are more intuitive and universally understandable.We are deeply grateful for the diverse perspectives shared with us and will use this feedback to craft an even more refined presentation next time. Thank you to everyone who provided their insights!
今回のプレゼンテーションでは、他班から合計30件の貴重なフィードバックをいただくことができました。中でも最も多かったのは、「アイデアが興味深い」というコメントで、11人の方から支持をいただきました。次いで、「プレゼンテーションの内容が明確で分かりやすい」というコメントが5件寄せられました。他にも、「コンセプトが分かりやすい」や「次のステップが具体的で良い」といったポジティブな意見を多くいただきました。全体の約8割(76%) がポジティブな評価である一方、「裏付けとなるデータが少ない」や「スライドの文字数が多い」といった課題を指摘する声も4件ありました。データの裏付けに関しては、私たちが今後実施予定の意欲調査アンケートから得られる一次データや、より多くの二次データを収集することで、次回のプレゼンテーションにおいて説得力をさらに高めたいと考えています。また、スライドの文字数に関しては、「見やすい」と「多すぎて見にくい」という相反するコメントをいただきました。この点については、今回の古賀社長のプレゼンテーションを参考にしつつ、より多くのイラストやビジュアルを取り入れることで、言語を問わず直感的に伝わる資料作りを目指します。たくさんの視点からいただいた貴重なフィードバックを糧に、次回はさらなる完成度の高いプレゼンテーションを作り上げたいと思います。ご意見をくださった皆さまに感謝申し上げます!

4. Our future trajectory
Thanks to the valuable feedback we received this time, we have been able to identify the main challenges of our project: the lack of concrete data, the feasibility of our business plan, and the originality of the idea—what makes our project different from existing ones. Therefore, we have decided to focus on these key areas in order to further refine our work.
In the future, we will present a detailed business plan, with a more in-depth analysis of the market size, explore targeted promotional strategies, and define how to generate sustainable profits. Additionally, we will focus on the benefits our project could bring to investors, companies, and the local community.
Our primary goal is to create a form of tourism that fosters mutual understanding between different cultures. We want minpaku tourism to become an opportunity for people to live together, share experiences, and build a sense of unity and interconnectedness.With this goal in mind, we would like to create a feasible business plan that takes further profitability into account!
5. Explanation and request regarding our survey
As a future direction, we aim to promote a feasible business plan while placing greater emphasis on profitability. Our current challenge is determining whether this venture can be sustainable as a business. For example, key points include understanding how much the initial costs for short-term rentals will be and identifying the type of individuals who might be interested as potential investors. In order to achieve this, as we mentioned before, we have created a survey aimed mostly at small towns in the Veneto region. Below, you will find a flyer we plan to distribute in the upcoming weeks. If you are interested in this project, and reside in one of these areas, we would greatly appreciate it if you could fill it out.
Furthermore, to make the business model viable, it is necessary to focus not only on data collection but also on clarifying revenue generation methods, defining the target audience, and determining how to effectively promote untapped tourist destinations.
