こんにちは!ヴェネツィア・カフォスカリ大学のBEW の第 2 期に参加する学生のグループです。私たちは「Synergy Builders」という名前で活動しています。この名前を選んだのは、より良い環境を作り出すために、多くの人々の意見や経験を活用して、有意義なものを構築するというグループの主な焦点がこの名前に含まれているからです。
私たちのグループ、Synergy Builders は、日本とイタリアの中小企業間のコミュニケーションを探求することに専念しており、両国の間で頻繁に発生する問題に焦点を当てている。
ワークショップは約 2 か月間活動しており、毎週、会議を企画し、ブレインストーミングを行い、アイデアを共有している。チームの各メンバーが重要な役割を果たし、グループの名前の選択から、旅で取るステップまで、全ての決定は共同で行われる。
1. 予備分析: まず、日本とイタリアの中小企業の構造的特徴をより深く理解するために、学術論文や科学出版物からデータを収集することに時間を費やした。
2. 企業の直接的な関与: 理論的基礎が構築されると、より実践的なアプローチに移行した。企業に直接関与してもらい、社内外のコミュニケーションにおける困難から成功まで、企業の経験を聞くことを考えた。
3. 一次データの収集: さらに深めるために、プロジェクトの基礎となる一次データを収集するのに役立つアンケートの作成に取り組んでいる。
進路は柔軟であり続ける。有望な新しい方向性が見つかった場合は、躊躇せずに目標を再調整する。Synergy Builders は単なるプロジェクトではなく、成長とコラボレーションの経験である。
スザンナ・ジョルダーニ (グループリーダー)、別所真衣、ヴァレリア ガンバリーニ、松尾佳歩、マティルデ・ニコレット
Hello everyone! We are a group of students from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice taking part in the 2nd edition of Business Experience Workshop: Participating in the Present for a More Sustainable Future 2024/25. We go by the name of ‘’Synergy Builders’’. We chose this name, because it encloses our main focus: building something meaningful using the testimony of many people and their experiences to create a better environment.
The theme of our project is: the communication between Japanese and Italian small- and medium- enterprises (SMEs) with the aim of building sustainable business relationships. We are searching for information and asking SMEs how they can overcome the problems related to it.
Challenges and a New Step Forward in Group Work
Last month’s group work focused on the theme of “communication between Japanese and Italian companies. We faced a significant challenge: the difficulty of collecting secondary data to understand the actual situation of communication issues between the two countries. This was because existing data alone was insufficient to clearly grasp the specific realities.
We therefore decided to switch to collecting primary information and conduct our own original questionnaire survey to directly approach companies in both countries. We focused our survey on the “food” and “fashion” industries, as these sectors represent a significant portion of trade between Japan and Italy and it would be easier to collect specific examples. Based on the primary information collected through this survey, we intend to analyze the current status of communication between companies in the two countries and identify issues that need to be addressed.
The keyword is: COLLABORATION
Our group, Synergy Builders, has dedicated itself to exploring communication between Japanese and Italian SMEs, focusing on the problems that often arise between the two realities. The workshop has been active for almost two months and, week after week, we hold meetings, brainstorm and share ideas. Each member of the team plays a crucial role, and all decisions are made collaboratively, from choosing the name of the group to the steps to take in our journey.
Our journey is taking shape as follows:
1. Preliminary analysis: We started by dedicating our time to collecting data from academic articles and scientific publications, to better understand the structural characteristics of Japanese and Italian SMEs.
2. Direct involvement of companies: Once the theoretical basis was built, we moved to a more practical approach. We considered directly involving companies to listen to their experiences, from difficulties to successes in internal and external communication.
3. Primary data collection: To further deepen, we are working on the creation of a questionnaire, which will help us collect primary data, fundamental for our project.
Our path remains flexible: if we discover new promising directions, we will not hesitate to recalibrate our objectives. Synergy builders is not just a project, but an experience of growth and collaboration.
Challenges of the month and the lessons we learned
In this section, we want to address the difficulties each of us encountered over the past month of research.
First, we faced challenges in finding reliable articles and sources that delved deeply into the current situation of Italian SMEs abroad and Japanese SMEs in Italy. Only with the support of specific websites, such as the one provided by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ICCJ), were we able to better direct our investigations. This is because information on large companies is often easier to access than data on smaller business realities.
By focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises in both Japan and Italy, one of the main difficulties we faced was gathering primary data on their current situation and on communication between companies from countries with different cultures. The creation of the questionnaire also presented its own set of challenges. Designing effective questions capable of collecting as much relevant information as possible was far from simple. Additionally, translating the questionnaire from formal Japanese to formal Italian required significant effort but also proved to be a valuable opportunity to test and enhance the group’s language skills.
Each difficulty, however, brought with it valuable lessons. This month has been an intense period, full of research and decision-making, which is often not easy when working as a team. Despite these challenges, our team demonstrated excellent coordination and collaboration skills, successfully working in synergy, as reflected in the name we chose to represent ourselves. Through our weekly research, we have come to understand how essential SMEs are to both the Japanese and Italian economies. Additionally, we realized the complexity of intercultural communication, a crucial element to study in order to promote business relationships between countries with such different values and cultures.
Our Future Outlook
Our project has just begun, and we are currently in the preparatory stage of collecting and analyzing data. With the completion of our survey, we have taken the first step toward a deeper understanding of our theme: communication between Japanese and Italian companies.
Using the data collected through this survey, we aim to analyze the current state of communication between companies and identify the factors contributing to both challenges and successes. In the future, we plan to use these findings to compile concrete proposals and move the project to the next stage. While our project is still in its early stages, we are confident that the insights gained will contribute to fostering stronger collaboration between Japanese and Italian companies. Moreover, we look forward to growing as a team and deepening our understanding of intercultural dynamics through this endeavor.
Giordani Susanna (Group leader), Matsuo Kaho, Bessho Mai, Gambarini Valeria, Nicoletto Matilde
