Our group: Anaba Connect: Beyond Cortina
We are Anaba Connect: Cortina and Beyond, and our group is involved in the Ca’ Foscari Business Experience Workshop 24/25, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation. We are conducting research on mass tourism in Cortina, which will host several events of the 2026 Winter Olympics. The word Anaba in our name refers to the Japanese term 穴場 (Anaba), meaning a lesser-known place, a hidden gem. Our goal is to encourage tourists to venture beyond Cortina, attracting them to fascinating locations off the beaten path, to make Olympics related tourism more sustainable. In Japan, tourism is actively promoted, and the 1993 “Come on, let’s go to Kyoto” (そうだ、京都、行こう (sō da, Kyōto, ikō) campaign is particularly famous. This has become a widely recognized catchphrase throughout the country, and inspired by it, we came up with the idea to highlight Japan’s connection to our project while emphasizing the keyword of our group work, “hidden gems.”

Let’s talk about data
First, it is important to get familiar with some tourism related data. From January to September 2024, the Dolomiti area saw the arrival of 845.464 people, and 265.701 in Cortina. (Veneto Region Statistics, 2024). Most importantly, because of these Olympics, the total tourists’ arrival number in the Milano-Cortina area is expected to increase by 2 million people (Confcommercio Milano News, 2024). Moreover, in order to gather some primary data, our group developed three questionnaires. The first is designed for residents of Cortina, to gather information about their preparations for the Cortina Olympics and to identify related potential challenges. The other two questionnaires target English- and Japanese -speaking audiences, seeking to collect insights on strategies implemented worldwide to address the issue of overtourism. Over the coming weeks, we plan to gather as much data as possible and analyze it to support our project.
Our project
Based on our “Anaba connection” vision, we are developing the idea of a special ticket that can be purchased when buying an Olympics’ one. With it, visitors can use for a special price the existing bus lines that will be implemented by connecting more Anaba to the Cortina city center. In addition, this ticket can be shown in shops and attractions in those less-frequented areas to get discounts. The reason behind our idea is that, when analyzing data from previous Olympics, we observed that often facilities were newly constructed, rather than utilizing existing ones, with a huge environmental impact, and economic harm for the local residents. Some examples of that are the 2006 Turin Olympics, for which, instead of using the existing “La Plagne” track, new environmentally harming facilities were built for 110 million euros, but closed in 2011 (Pagliassotti M, Torino Today 2016). Also Cortina rejected the idea of renovating the old bobsled, luge and skeleton track “Eugenio Monti”, instead opting for the construction of a new one for 1.5 million euros (Italianostra, 2024). While these facilities serve their purpose during the games, they often become underutilized post-event, resulting in wasted resources and financial strain. Our proposal takes inspiration from this issue, aiming to maximize the use of existing resources such as transport networks and tourist-friendly locales in less frequented areas. By introducing tourists to underexplored spots that are naturally or culturally rich, we can reduce the strain on main tourist hubs while simultaneously promoting sustainable tourism and providing economic benefits to these areas.
Where did we take our inspiration from?
Purchasing this special ticket will be similar to the Trentino Guest Card: with that service, by staying in an associated accommodation, guests receive the card for free. With it, they have free access to public transportation. In the same way, when purchasing an Olympic ticket, there will also be the option to have that additional special ticket that we discussed previously. In Japan, there are many similar travel passes, such as the “Hayama Girls’ Trip Ticket” and the “Digital Misaki Maguro Ticket.” These allow unlimited train rides within a specified area but also come with perks like meal vouchers, discounts at museums, and surprise souvenirs, and an affordable price point, making them highly popular. Our group’s idea, however, differs from the Hayama Girls’ Trip Ticket in two key ways. Instead of trains, we aim to utilize buses as the primary mode of transportation. Additionally, while promoting tourism is a part of our goal, we focus more on addressing sustainable tourism more directly. Also Vienna made its “Vienna Pass”, which includes in its price admission to more than 60 tourist attractions. It also includes free admission to both major and lesser-known tourist attractions, thus leading visitors to the best spots. The pass also comes with a free bus ticket, allowing visitors to come and go without having to use other modes of transportation.
Moving Forward…
To advance our projects, we will refine the content based on survey insights, ensuring it addresses potential demographic biases and varying levels of tourism awareness to make the initiatives feasible for diverse audiences. Simultaneously, we will explore Cortina’s hidden gems, focusing on unique attractions and improving transportation links to enhance accessibility and showcase the region’s charm. Additionally, we will evaluate the projects’ commercial viability, balancing economic and social benefits to revitalize underexplored areas while promoting sustainability. By prioritizing clear, actionable strategies, we aim to ensure success and long-term impact.
Written by: Allegretti Cristian, Hamada Yui, Ioikibe Salala, Manni Sara, Pezzini Maria Letizia, Watanabe Maho.
私たちのグループ: Anaba Connect: Beyond Cortina
私達はヴェネツィア・カ・フォスカリ大学(Ca’Foscari University of Venice)の「Business Experience Workshop 24/25」に参加している学生で、三菱商事との共同プロジェクトとして、オーバーツーリズムの分散化と地域資源の活用について研究しています。特に、2026年冬季オリンピックの開催地であるコルチナ地域に焦点を当て、観光客を「穴場」へ誘導し、持続可能な観光を実現することを目指している。グループ名は日本の観光キャンペーン「そうだ、京都、行こう」から着想を得て命名した。

以下に研究データを紹介する。2024年1~9月、ドロミテ周辺には約85万人が訪れ、そのうちコルチナ地域には約26万人が集中している(ヴェネト州統計)。さらに、2024年の観光者数は200万人以上に達すると予測されている(Confcommercio Milanoニュース 2024)。この現状を踏まえ、一次データの収集を目的として3種類のアンケートを作成した。1つがコルチナ住民を対象にオリンピック準備が生活に与える影響を研究したもので、あと2つが英語・日本語話者に向けたオーバーツーリズム解決策について意見研究である。今後数週間でこれらデータを分析し、観光の地域分散を実現するためのプロジェクトを具体化していく予定だ。
Anaba: Beyond Cortinaのプロジェクト
筆者: 五百旗頭 讃良、 濵田唯衣、 渡邉真歩、マリア・レティツィア・ペッツィーニ、サラ・マンニ、アッレクレッティ・クリスティアン