Hello everyone! Nice to meet you for the first time! And for those of you who’ve already read our previous blog, welcome back!
We are currently working as a group under the name “Enstay” from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice’s “Business Experience Workshop 2nd Edition: Participating in the Present for a More Sustainable Future 2024/25”, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation, researching innovative business models for private accommodations and tourism promotion that foster interactions between tourists and locals in Italy’s lesser-known yet charming cities. This is our second blog, and we’re excited to share our progress and new discoveries with all of you!
1. Origin of the group name: Enstay
We decided to name our group, Enstay. The word “en” (縁) in Japanese signifies connections, relationships, and serendipitous encounters. We aim to create a new style of stay that enables meaningful exchanges and connections between locals and tourists. By combining this Japanese concept of en with the idea of stay, we decided on the name Enstay.
1. グループ名の由来: Enstay(縁ステイ)
2. Understanding the problem
We began our reflection by identifying the main challenges related to our macrotheme: 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics and tourism de-centralization, in connection to Osaka Expo 2025. The primary issue we identified is the significant influx of tourists drawn to these events, which poses a challenge for our territory as it is not accustomed to managing such large numbers. From this starting point, we considered the key areas most affected by this phenomenon, such as accommodation.
As we delved deeper into our research, we uncovered other critical issues: the interaction between local residents—such as accommodation owners—and tourists, and the fact that most tourists tend to concentrate in large cities, while there are small villages with significant potential that are completely overlooked.

2. 問題の仮説について
3. Brainstorming and concept development: going from ideas to solutions
Project Overview:
Theme: Cortina and Veneto region studies about tourism de-centralization in connection with the 2026 Milano-Cortina Winter Olympics + Osaka Expo 2025.
Initially, our focus was on the transport and accommodation sectors due to concerns about mass tourism (driven by events like the Olympics and Expo) and the negative impact on local quality of life.
Focus Shift to Accommodation:
After evaluating challenges in the transport sector, we decided to concentrate on Minpaku (home-sharing), which we saw as a way for locals and tourists to come together and rethink the relationship between tourism and local communities. During this exploration, we discovered the Albergo Diffuso model, a new sustainable approach to lodging. “Albergo Diffuso”is a unique type of hotel concept where guests stay in multiple restored buildings spread across a small village or town, rather than in a single hotel structure. The buildings are typically historic residences or other local properties that are converted into guest accommodations, preserving the local culture and environment while offering a more immersive experience.
This led us to broaden our project to sustainable accommodation solutions.
Focus on Smaller Cities:
We extended our focus to smaller cities as key players in tourism de-centralization, aiming to redirect tourists from mass-tourism hotspots to these less-explored areas.
By analyzing them, we could understand how to highlight them and how to best promote them for our project!
3. アイディアの変容
テーマ: 2026年ミラノ・コルティナ冬季オリンピックと2025年大阪万博に関連する、コルティナとヴェネト地域の観光分散に関する研究。
交通分野での課題を評価した結果、宿泊施設、特に**民泊(Minpaku)**に注目することにしました。民泊は観光客と地元住民がつながる方法であり、観光と地域コミュニティの関係を再考するきっかけになると考えました。この過程で、アルベルゴ・ディフーゾ(Albergo Diffuso)という新しい持続可能な宿泊モデルを発見しました。これにより、特定の宿泊モデルだけでなく、持続可能な宿泊施設全体という、より広いテーマに目を向けるようになりました。「アルベルゴ・ディフーゾ」とは、ゲストが1つのホテルではなく、村や町全体に散らばる複数の修復された建物に宿泊するユニークなホテルのコンセプトです。これらの建物は、通常、歴史的な住宅や地元の物件であり、宿泊施設に改装されており、地元の文化や環境を守りながら、より没入感のある体験を提供します。
4. Differences from other accommodations
The accommodation system we are considering is designed to facilitate interaction between tourists and locals, offering an experience beyond simply staying in a place to immerse oneself in the local lifestyle and culture. Unlike traditional accommodation systems such as Airbnb or Booking.com, this system emphasizes closer connections with locals and provides opportunities to experience everyday life in the community.
For example, guests can discover local favorites that only residents know about instead of just visiting popular tourist spots. Through interactions with their hosts, travelers can also gain insights into the traditions and customs unique to the area, uncovering a new perspective on their destination.
This system allows tourists to become part of the local community during their stay and allows locals to connect with visitors from different backgrounds. By fostering such exchanges, it creates a space for mutual understanding and cultural sharing, resulting in a more enriching travel experience for everyone involved.
4. 他の宿泊施設との違い
5. Exploring the potential of these new tourist accommodations in Italy: what will the future hold?
Currently, we are at a phase where the project is starting to take a more definite shape. We are developing a survey to assess whether an accommodation system for tourists based on the Japanese concept of Minpaku could be adapted to Italy.
The current main objective is to verify the feasibility of the project by directly involving local communities in it. For this purpose, we have identified small towns in the Veneto region as potential areas of focus, considering their accessibility and touristic appeal. The data we aim to collect will help us understand:
- The locals’ availability: how many people are willing to share their house and be available to actively participate in this kind of experience? What kind of benefits would motivate them?
- The logistical issues: what worries might affect the locals’ opinion? What could be the challenges that both the locals and the tourists might face?
Once we gather all the information, we will start working on our project in a more concrete way. Our goal is to develop an online platform, for example a website, that both locals and tourists can use to connect easily. Local residents could register their habitations, providing all the information regarding its characteristics and what kind of activities they are going to offer to the tourists. In turn, tourists would have the means to book these kinds of accommodations with ease. We hope to create a bridge between tourists and locals by bringing visibility to lesser-known places, thus fostering a more sustainable and authentic form of tourism.
5. イタリアにおける新観光宿泊施設の可能性を探る:未来はどうなるのか?
- 地元住民の意欲:どれぐらいの人が自宅をシェアし、このような体験に積極的に参加したいと考えているのですか。また、どのようなメリットが参加のきっかけになりますか。
- プロジェクトのチャレンジ:地元住民はどのような悩みがありますか。そして、住民と観光客の両方にどのようなチャレンジが生じられるのででしょうか。
