Member Introduction
こんにちは!Group 5のリーダーの矢島駿です。
Hello! My name is Shun Yajima, the leader of Group 5.
I am majoring in quantum physical chemistry at university. On my days off, I am either traveling or relaxing in my room. I would like to grow together with my group members through the workshop. Nice to meet you!
Hello, my name is Tommaso Salvarani, a member of Group 5. I am currently studying at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Japanese language and culture with a foundation in economics studies. My main passions are music and cinema, and I am also interested in history and politics. I am excited to embark on this journey with my group and hope this experience will teach us all something valuable !
・Silvia BIFFIS
はじめまして!シルヴィア・ビッフィスと申します。グループ5のメンバーです。日本語を勉強して、カフォスカリの三年生です。 専攻は日本の経済法律専攻です。暇な時には本を読んだり、音楽を聞いたり、旅行したりするのが楽しみます。世界の市場の進化にとても興味があるから、このワークショップに参加したいと思いました。グループメンバーと一緒にいいプロジェクトをつくることを楽しみにしています、頑張りましょう!
Hello, my name is Silvia Biffis and I am a member of group 5. I am a third year student at Ca’ Foscari university majoring in Japanese with a focus on Japanese law and economics. In my free time I really like reading and traveling. I am very interested in the evolution of global markets and this is why I decided to join this workshop. I can’t wait to work with my fellow members to create an interesting final project, let’s work hard together!
Hello, my name is Hana Kogure, an exchange student from Rotsimeikan Asia Pacific University. My major is tourism and I am studying from the history of tourism to the plan of modern tourism. Through this exchange period, I would like to acquire the knowledge for my studies, also immerse myself in a completely different culture to find new values. In my free time, I often travel, watch horror movies, and try some new foods. I am looking forward to tackling the business problem with my group members.
ビジネスプラン: 労働力の統合とデジタルリテラシーを通じた高齢化人口統計への対応
Business plan: addressing aging demographics through workforce integration and digital literacy
As we tried to think of what kind of business model could best help to sustain our aging society that is constantly advancing, during our first group meeting, we came up with two approaches: one is to address population decline by focusing on the youth, and the other is to actively address the problems of the elderly. At first we were unsure on which of these to focus on, but in the end we came up with a project that comprehended both. This project is aimed at addressing the challenges of an aging population through workforce integration and promotion of digital literacy.
First, we propose to focus on workplaces and roles that require a younger, more active workforce and create employment opportunities for legal immigrants. To support areas in need of workers, we could establish sponsorship programs for businesses that choose to employ these immigrants and work with institutions who offer language and skills development courses in order to train them.
Secondly, we propose to organize digital literacy courses, taught by college students, for seniors ages 60-70. These courses will provide older people with the digital skills needed to access the modern working world through flexible work opportunities, and promote intergenerational interaction. The students teaching those courses will not get paid but they will receive academic credit in exchange for their work, creating a collaborative learning environment. In addition, tax incentives will be offered to companies that decide to hire older adults who have acquired those digital skills.
This strategy not only addresses the issues of an aging society, but also promotes a more inclusive labor market by engaging both young immigrants and older adults. At the same time, this project will also improve the quality of the worker’s skills and economic participation throughout society across generations.
As a group, our goal for the future is to better organize and concretize all the ideas that have emerged from our discussions. In future blog posts, we would like to be able to refer to actual cases and proposed legislation, and to dive deeper into the differences and similarities between the two social realities.