In A.Y. 2020/2021, first semester, I once again took part of a Japanese Language course (this time the second-year course for graduate students, LM006N) as a Japanese Language facilitator. However, this time my experience radically differed as along the action there was also reflection in the form of a Japanese Language Education course (LM2400) that served as complement and framework to the core Japanese Language course. As for what concerns the figure of the facilitator, the aim of this double joint courses was to provide students with an integrated approach that could promote both in-class activity – thus “action” – and on-class thought – thus “reflection” – in order to foster a research methodology that keeps going back and forth from action to reflection upon action, and from reflection to action upon reflection.
During the 6 months course, we took lots of research notes from participant observation in the course and wrote extensive paragraphs of reflection on theory and practice that we will fully analyze and turn into new papers and research.