Month 4月 2021

A letter to the participants of the Virtual Exchange project

A month has passed and so I have decided to write a letter to all the people who worked and participated alongside me in this first edition of the Virtual Exchange project. 本当にお疲れさまでした。

Virtual Business Project の終わり!まとめ❣️

Virtual Business Project が終わりました!このポストでは、各チーム(メール課、ビデオ課、履歴書課)の完成したものを紹介します!

my personal experience

I would like to thank everyone who allowed me to take part in this project, and in particular my project partners who made this experience extraordiary meaningful and beautiful.







My Virtual 留学 experience

Hello! Allow to introduce myself once again. My name is Linda from group 20 “Environment protection”. These two months have been crazy hectic and full of surprises one after another. I am deeply conscious that I had a great chance to live a brand new experience not alone, but with new companions from within my University, as also from outside.

All about my experience

Trough this article I would like to share with you all what meant to me being a member of this project.

About my experience

Hello everyone! This is Diletta from group 7 (飢餓対策). The first time I heard about this project was in January, when I received an email with the proposal of a substitute internship activity. At first, I was not sure if I was going to participate in this project because I’m not very good with Japanese language and I was afraid I would not understand anything. Then, I took courage and decided to join. I look at the topic of my group:「飢餓対策」(measures against hunger). My first thought was “What have I done, I can’t talk about hunger even in Italian”. At first it was not easy, I had to work hard to learn the Japanese words related to my group’s topic, figure out how to use Slack… But it all worked out for the best.

Looking back on my experience

Hello everyone! I’m Adelina from group 13 難民問題. Now that the Virtual Exchange project has come to an end I’d like to look back and share my thoughts and feelings about this experience.

First of all, why did I decide to join this project? The main reason was because I really needed to practice and improve my abilities in speaking in Japanese. I’ve always been shy and afraid of making mistakes so more often than not I find myself being very afraid of talking in Japanese. I thought that joining this project would help me learn more about the language and be more comfortable in my conversations.

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